Dr. Enrico Benetto (Principal Investigator) is responsible of the Research Unit "Life Cycle Sustainability and Risk Assessment" at LIST. He has 16 years of experience in project management and LCA, ecodesign and innovation of industrial systems and technologies. Co-author of ca. 80 peer-reviewed scientific publications and has supervised 2 PhD thesis, his focus is on developing innovative tools and methodologies for sustainability assessment of man made systems.
Dr. Tomás Navarrete Gutiérrez is a research associate at the “LISRA” Unit at LIST. He has a PhD in computer science and has been doing research that links computational modelling and life cycle assessment since 2013. His main research objectives are to bring robust computational tools to environmental impact assessment. He is currently in charge of the Agent Based simulation platform development for the CONNECTING project.
Thomas Gibon is expert in hybrid LCA + Input Output modelling of large scale systems. He is currently involved in hybrid modelling of regional level cross border commuting mobility under the CONNECTING project run at LIST.
Paul M. Baustert is a PhD student currently working on uncertainty analysis in LCA. He holds a M.Sc. degree in environmental engineering.